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    Monday, 4 May 2009

    Visa Applications

    Tourists [Enlarge & More]
    What a palava it was getting an Indian visa in London. I better explain that I was born in England have a British passport and have lived here all my life so you would expect that I would be treated like a British Citizen, but no. The fact that I have Pakistani origins means they treat me differently, I have to prove that I am worthy of a visa by proving that I am employed and that I have money by providing 3 months of bank statements. The latter being an additional requirement to the last time I applied for one and hence I was not expecting it. It was only when I was speaking to the nice lady on the other side of the counter at the Indian Visa place in London that it dawned on me that I was not as prepared as I thought I was. She could not have been more helpful, however the fact that I did not have any bank statements on me meant that I was not going to get the visa. Thankfully a very very nice lady helped me out at a local branch of my bank and I returned with copies of my statements - at no extra charge. At the end of all of this, it still takes them 10 rather than the 3 days to process my application and I only get a 3 month visa not the standard 6. What's that all about!

    While working out what visas we needed a simple internet search helped, a good place to start is here.

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